Homeoprophylaxis - HPx
Definition of Homeoprophylaxis:
“Homeoprophylaxis (HPx) is the use of potentized substances in a systematic manner to prevent the development of the characteristic symptoms of disease.”
~~Educating the Immune System~~
Homeoprophylaxis is a safe and effective method to boost innate immunity in the presence of infectious disease.
The goal of HPx is to give the immune system a mild immunological stimulation towards a variety of infectious disease processes using homeopathic nosodes.
A nosode is a homeopathically attenuated, ultra-diluted preparation of a pure disease agent.
Due to this ultra attenuation, there is no actual disease agent in the nosode.
It works under a different mechanism of action than conventional vaccination, and it educates the immune system in a complete way, giving the immune system a safe ‘immunological rehearsal,’ or education process, to build immunity.
CONTACT US for more information on HPx programs.