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What is Gemmotherapy


From the bud comes the power of life

Gemmotherapy is a therapeutic method that uses the youngest part of the plant bud extract and other freshly harvested young vegetable tissue to stimulate elimination of toxic compounds from the body.


Gemmotherapy has been called Plant Stem Cell Therapy because of its focus on the embryonic tissue of plants. The meristems 

within each bud or shoot contain tremendous regenerative properties much like human stem cells.


Buds are composed primarily of developing tissue and, thus, possess all the properties and energy of the adult plant.  These buds contain more vitamins, oligo-elements, minerals, nucleic acids, and growth material than any other part of the plant. They also contain important substances such as amino acids, minerals, trace elements, enzymes, vitamins, chlorine acid and flavonoids. 


Therefore, it is this specific type of plant material used in making Gemmotherapy that makes it stand apart from herbal tinctures, supplements and vitamins.  This botanical medicine has a potency and healing capability that far exceeds any current phytotherapy.

Today’s society generates an unprecedented number of toxic elements and compounds that can get absorbed and trapped within the body. Our water and food supplies are contaminated with pesticides, herbicides, and manufacturing residue.  The air is contaminated by carbon monoxide and other poisonous gases. Many drugs are toxic to the body or breakdown into metabolites that are toxic.  All these toxic compounds accumulate in the body and need to be eliminated.

“Gemmotherapy provides organ support to adrenal glands that lead the immune system. It provides the lymphatic and circulatory systems as they clean and feed the cells and for the bowel and kidneys so that the inflammation is eliminated instead of accumulated”.

The body has four elimination routes.  The digestive system, the kidneys, the respiratory system and the skin are directly involved in the elimination process.  These eliminatory pathways depend on the endocrine glands for optimal cellular function.  The heart, blood vessels and the nervous system are also involved indirectly.

Gemmotherapy extracts act to gently stimulate and promote elimination.  Gemmotherapy is believed to work because of the presence of gibberellins (stem cells), which are plant growth material that act to stimulate the organs.  By helping the body with its day-to-day detoxification and repair, it allows the natural healing process to function more optimally.

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