Is Homeopathy a good fit for you?
Let's take 15 minutes to talk about your current health to make sure I'm the right person for you.

Follow-up Session
In office or virtual appointments for adult or child.
Service Description
1 hr approx. | Tiered Rates - click "Rates" on website to view full rates. A deposit of $50 is required to hold the time-slot for your follow-up appointment. The balance may be paid on the day of the session by cash, check, credit card, venmo or paypal. Different people have different experiences following a homeopathic treatment. For some, the results are dramatic and profound, while for others changes are mild or non-existent. Knowing the potential responses to a remedy, how to interpret them, and what they mean for follow-up management is an important part of successful homeopathic treatment. I look forward to seeing you again!
Cancellation Policy
Due to the nature of your session, we require a 48 hours cancellation notice, otherwise you will not be refunded your deposit for the time slot. Thank you!
Contact Details
Cape May, NJ, USA